Reformed by the Scotsman Read online

Page 7

  She gazed up into his eyes and saw deep affection in their blue depths. As she wondered what it would be like to feel his hands touching her most intimate places, her nipples hardened and strained against her underthings.

  He leaned down toward her, and she gasped as she realized what he intended. Before his lips touched hers, she gripped his hand tightly and when they finally connected, she melted into him as he kissed her passionately.

  She reciprocated, their tongues dancing together as they shared this special moment, and her nether regions flooded with warmth. Her hips rolled and she inadvertently closed her eyes, so all her focus was on Edward’s kiss.

  When they broke apart, she looked at him with round eyes.

  “I… you…” she said earnestly.

  “Indeed, that appears to be the long and short of it,” he replied. She saw his hardness in his trousers, as he slowly got to his feet, still holding her hand, and led her to a little clump of bushes near the faux-Parthenon.

  He unbuttoned his jacket and laid it on the ground. Adeline’s heart skipped a beat as she wondered what he intended. Surely, he wasn’t going to claim a family friend’s virginity in broad daylight at a public monument?

  “Lie back on my jacket,” he told her. Hesitantly, her stomach suddenly filled with butterflies as she stood frozen in place for a moment. He swatted her bottom lightly and cocked his head, making it clear she didn’t have a choice. She obeyed, then, and her long skirt pooled on the grass beneath her. He got down beside her, looking very alluring in his shirtsleeves and trouser braces.

  “Now what?” Adeline asked. His eyes roved her body, looking for what, she didn’t know, but it set her ablaze inside, as she thought about the kiss they shared a moment ago.

  “Spread your legs for me,” he commanded. Her eyes widened for a moment but she obeyed, not feeling overly worried that she might be about to lose her innocence. They weren’t going to end up married over one quick fling.

  She lay on her back with her legs apart, knees slightly bent, waiting to find out what he planned to do with her. She watched him move so he was knelt between her legs, then she felt his hands, which might have belonged to a concert pianist, as they touched the soft, white skin between her thighs.

  “Good girl,” he told her, and for some reason the simple praise filled her with joy. His hands caressed her thighs with powerful, long strokes, awakening nerves that were usually protected from the outside world by her stockings, chemise, and skirt.

  “Do you want me to stop?” he asked her, and she watched his face wrestle between his own desires and his need to keep her safe. She saw how much he wanted her, but it was clear that he wouldn’t force her into anything.

  “Please don’t stop,” she replied. “Please don’t,” she implored, even though part of her was mildly shocked by her wanton behavior.

  She moaned softly as his fingers trailed higher, setting the nerves alight and filling her body with tingles. Then, he touched the spot exactly between her legs, through her silky knickers; today’s color was ivory.

  “Oh!” she cried out, amazed that it felt so good.

  “Is this the first time anyone’s touched you there?” he asked.

  She flushed, not wanting to admit her lack of experience. But this was Edward, not some man in a pub seeking a dance and a one-night stand; if she wasn’t honest with him, there was probably no one else in the world to whom she could speak the truth. She nodded shyly.

  “Lost for words? That’s unlike you, my dear.” His finger moved over the gusset of her panties and she made a series of incoherent cries as her world filled with little sparkles.

  “What is that?” she asked once he paused.

  “This?” He touched against it again, lightly, and her body was filled with strange tingles. “It’s your clit. Your little clitty. It’s a very important part of your sex; the fur-covered area down there. Your clit is a special button that makes you feel… well… wonderful. Don’t they teach you these things in school?”

  Adeline giggled and shook her head. “Don’t be silly! They didn’t explain anything so… private. The very idea of teaching this to a group of young women!”

  “I guess we’ll have to plan some private tuition then, where I school you in the things you need to know about your own body. Would you like that?”

  “Yes,” she whispered. Adeline felt her face get even hotter, as she imagined him showing her all the things she’d only heard whispered rumors of.

  “Then, let’s begin,” he said, sliding her panties down.

  She glanced around in case anyone was nearby, but the monument and the area around it were completely deserted.

  Now she was bared to him, he swirled his finger over her clit again, and she bit her lower lip as the sensations were almost unbearable.

  “Your clitty is the most sensitive part of your anatomy. It’s proper name is the clitoris. The term was coined around the seventeenth century, I believe, although I’m no etymologist. Around your clitoris is the nympha, or labia minora, known in the vernacular as your inner pussy lips.” He stroked a slightly bigger area than before, and Adeline moaned at the delicate tingles that he elicited.

  “Further down is your vagina, the little opening that should be saved for marriage.” His fingers circled her entrance and she arched her back as she silently begged for him to throw caution to the wind and fill her with something.

  Instead, he returned to her clit and stroked it deftly, making it swell and throb with need, as he explained her own body to her.

  “But once you are married, I’m certain that you already know that’s the place where a man would slide his erection, thrusting into you, over and over, until he had filled you with his seed.”

  She issued a strangled cry as she imagined Edward doing exactly that, right here on Calton Hill.

  “If I keep playing with your clit, that feeling, the one inside your core right now, that glowing surge of needy warmth, will build up, like this.” He flicked her little button and she writhed under his hand, feeling like she really needed to stretch, but like all her bones and muscles were getting in the way.

  She pulled her legs wide, giving in to that need to extend her limbs, and Edward placed his palm flat over her sex, filling her with a different kind of heat, a reassuring feeling, like he had everything under control in this unfamiliar situation.

  “Are you enjoying this, young lady?” he asked, grinding the palm of his hand into her pussy, sending jolts of need through her body.

  She nodded, then felt a sudden swat that landed where his hand had been a moment ago. The sharp sting made her jump but it was immediately followed by a spark of pleasure that flooded her belly.

  “I asked you a question,” he prompted.

  “Did you?” She feigned innocence, not wanting to reply, her mind abuzz with all the new words and feelings.

  Another swat landed on her labia, and she squeaked as it stung at the same time that a strong tingle coursed through her body.

  “Are you enjoying this?”

  “Yes.” She looked away, slightly ashamed. Wasn’t she simply supposed to endure the attentions of a man? Normally, she was outgoing and ready to try anything. But now she was confronted with this completely new territory, she felt demure and uncertain of herself.

  Edward leaned forward, as though they were at a crowded dinner party and sharing a private joke, and murmured, “Good girl.”

  His approval filled her heart with joy. He resumed his delicate caresses of her most intimate places, and she writhed under his touch, then her eyes widened as she felt a little trickle of liquid escaping from her opening.

  Edward looked quizzically at her, then he glanced down at her pussy and grinned.

  “Don’t worry, Adeline,” he told her calmly, while his fingers continued to work her labia and clitty. “Getting wet like that is a perfectly normal response to the attention I’m giving to your nether regions. It means you’re longing to feel a man’s shaft inside you.”r />
  Although he was correct, Adeline said nothing, in the hope that Edward might decide he was mistaken.

  “However, that particular pleasure can wait until another time. I’m certainly not willing to put you in the precarious position of being deflowered today. Instead, I’m going to show you what some doctors regard as a cure for hysteria.”

  “I’m not hysterical,” she giggled. She felt more relaxed than she had in a long time.

  “I know. But you’ll like it anyway.” He spoke with so much authority that she suspected he had done this before.

  “How do you know all this?” Adeline asked in wonder, as she breathed in the delicious scent of the fresh grass and daisies that surrounded her.

  “I am a voracious reader. My library contains about two thousand books, and approximately half of those are factual, the rest being novels. Of course, I occasionally get to practice the techniques on young ladies who desperately crave a powerful release.” He winked at her, and she giggled, but it quickly turned into a moan as he lightly rubbed her clit at a faster pace.

  Her entire body seemed to be getting hot, and Adeline suddenly noticed a brightly colored butterfly in the grass nearby. The flapping of its wings seemed to be in time with the speed Edward was stroking her clit, and she felt a pressure inside her waiting for release.

  “I can’t bear it! It’s too much!” she cried, as her body was overtaken by strong sparks. But right now, she needed him to keep going almost as much as she needed air to breathe.

  He stopped, and reached into his pocket. Adeline issued a strangled cry as she realized she was completely at his mercy.

  “Please,” she uttered, unable to finish the request, because she wasn’t entirely sure what she was begging him for.

  “Here.” He withdrew a mint from a paper bag that now poked over the top of his pocket, and he popped the spherical-shaped sweet into her mouth. She sucked on it in surprise. What did this have to do with the incredible feelings that coursed through her body?

  “Make it nice and wet, there’s a good girl,” he instructed her, and he caressed her nipples while she obeyed him, although the whole thing was mystifying. The gentle sparks from his fingers seemed to shoot straight to her needy sex. Then, when her entire mouth felt cool and her tongue felt nothing but mint, he held his hand before her face.

  “Spit the mint back out,” he ordered, and he smiled slightly at her confusion. Utterly baffled, she did as he asked, and the wet white sphere landed on his fingers.

  Swiftly, he moved his hand back down to her pussy and she sighed as she felt him roll the ball-shaped sweet along her inner labia. A few seconds later, the refreshing tingling feeling had taken root down there, too, and her entire lower area was abuzz with the minty cool glow.

  It added to her arousal, and when Edward rubbed her clitty again with his fingers, faster than the butterfly flapped its wings, her strongest memory was the residual mint taste in her mouth as her pussy seemed to swell and then the pressure propelled her over the edge of a great precipice and she was contorting her body, stretching her arms and feet in all directions and writhing in the grass and wildflowers, as she was dragged into her first-ever climax. She moaned softly, her breath hitching in her throat, as the searing lightning bolts tore through her body, seeming to raise her up into the atmosphere so she was floating alongside the clouds in the pale blue sky. Then, the feeling began to fade, and she was left with a sense of loss as she gradually deflated back down to the grassy hill.

  The butterfly was long gone by the time Adeline’s senses returned to her. She gazed up at Edward and blushed furiously.

  “Do it again!” she told him. He chuckled and shook his head.

  “That’s quite enough for now. Climaxes are a funny business. Too few or too many lead to ill-temperedness.”

  Before she figured out if he was joking or not, he leaned down and kissed her on the lips once more. He helped her put her knickers back on, then he took her hands and assisted her to stand. When she felt his warm hands wrap around hers, she shuddered as a little jolt, a memory of what had just happened, coursed through her insides, and she giggled. Edward picked up his jacket and shook his head as he dusted little pieces of grass and daisy petals off the fabric.

  They made their way back to Moray Place as though nothing had ever happened, and Edward kept such a respectable distance for the rest of the day that Adeline began to wonder if she had imagined the whole thing. Eventually, she decided it was probably for the best that he didn’t seem to want to talk about what they had done. Talking might lead to more lewd behavior, then the next thing she knew, she could end up in even more trouble. She trusted Edward to have her best interests at heart, but she wouldn’t put it past him to read a science book that told him pregnancy was a cure for incorrigible young ladies.

  * * *

  The day after the shopping trip, Edward and Adeline were eating toast at the breakfast table when Edward’s butler passed her the small envelope. The handwriting was unfamiliar.

  “Who knows I’m here?” she wondered aloud. Edward’s curiosity was piqued too, but he was a gentleman, so he didn’t pry.

  She slid her finger under the flap and unfastened it, then removed a single sheet of writing paper.

  “Oh! My word!” she exclaimed, then turned to Edward, eyes shining. “It’s Mary! The infirm woman who was begging outside the train station! You found her a home and a job! Why didn’t you tell me?” she asked, beaming.

  “I wanted to ensure she was taken care of appropriately before I informed you,” Edward said.

  “She has a job as a seamstress, repairing clothing for people. Oh, you are a good sort!” She put the letter down and never stopped smiling as she finished her breakfast.

  Edward was pleased that he’d made her so happy, although the real reason he hadn’t told Adeline was because he didn’t want to brag about helping people. It didn’t seem proper.

  Outside, the rain began to pelt against the windows.

  “Oh, fudge, I don’t think the weather forecast was right,” Adeline remarked as she glared at the overcast sky through the glass.

  “No, it doesn’t look like a good day to go to the sea. I vote we remain here, and find some indoor activities to do instead.” Inwardly, Edward cursed himself for the inadvertent innuendo. The last thing he wanted was for Adeline to think he was doing charitable works with a view to wooing her into doing ‘indoor activities’ with him. The previous day’s pursuits on Calton Hill had, on reflection, been inappropriate, and while he knew he was starting to fall for his wayward ward, he resolved to not push her into a courtship she may later regret. It would be much better to wait until she showed signs of being ready for marriage.

  “I’ve a book that I’d like to finish. I think I’ll spend the day on that,” Adeline said. “Ghastly story; I wish I’d never started it. However, one must see these things to the end.”

  “I admire your resolve in the face of adversity. What are you attempting to endure?” Edward wondered, glad that she hadn’t picked up on what he’d said.

  “The Scarlet Letter,” Adeline replied. “I wouldn’t mind but every sentence is a paragraph! It’s almost as bad as War and Peace.”

  “There are some dreadful translations around, but if you get a good one, Tolstoy is actually rather good,” Edward contested. He had read War and Peace three times, and would probably read it again someday. Adeline sighed, and Edward suspected he’d just gone down in her estimation somehow.

  “If I wanted to read about pretentious rich people doing silly things to make themselves look good, I’d dig out my old diaries from growing up at Hathersedge,” Adeline countered.

  Edward sighed. Perhaps she simply wasn’t interested in seeing family politics play out on the page like some sort of game of crowns. “What sort of thing do you prefer to read, then?”

  “Something more heartwarming, like Little Women. Don’t get me wrong, I love a good dark dramatic story, I just think the only man who consistently d
id a good job of them was Shakespeare, and I much prefer watching his work on the stage rather than reading it on paper.”

  “Did you visit the theater a lot when you lived at Hathersedge?” Edward struggled to think where there might even be a theater near her home.

  “Not as much as I would have liked. It was difficult with the location; it’s a country estate, so it’s not exactly situated in the West End of London. Whenever I was in the city I would always try and pop over to Covent Garden to see something or other.”

  “We have a good selection of theater here, you know. Perhaps I should ask Guy to make enquiries about what is being performed at the Lyceum? Tomorrow is Saturday, after all.”

  Adeline nodded and smiled. “Thank you, I’d like that,” she said. “Now, if you don’t mind I’m going to try and finish this dull book. You’d better get tickets for something good to bring me back to life after this rot. It had the gall to call itself a romance but there’s not one iota of it so far! You’d think a Hawthorne would do better than that!”

  “Is the author a relative of yours?” Edward wasn’t certain if any of the Hawthornes had ever made the crossing to America.

  She paused on the stairs and looked back at him. “I most certainly hope not. Father would have a fit.”

  * * *

  Adeline came down for lunch as Guy entered the dining room and placed two tickets on the table beside Edward. He smiled and showed her the small, printed pieces of thick paper.

  “The Tempest is on at the moment, I thought you might like to accompany me tomorrow evening,” Edward suggested. He hoped she wouldn’t say no, after he’d gone to the trouble of getting a box, but if she refused, Guy could always take the cook for an evening off work.

  “I haven’t seen that one. What’s the story?” Adeline asked as she became engrossed in a tuna sandwich.

  “A sorcerer makes a storm and strands people on an island. Hilarity ensues,” Edward replied, making short work of one of the small triangles of bread and fish.