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Reformed by the Scotsman Page 13

“I shall be Penelope. And what shall I call you, kind sir?” she enquired. The thing about these masquerade balls was never knowing whom one was speaking with.

  “I quite fancy being addressed as Odysseus,” the man replied casually. The mask muffled his voice, making it difficult to know if it was Edward. Adeline curtseyed knowingly, remembering from her schooldays that, in Homer’s The Odyssey, Penelope was the wife of Odysseus, and he spent ten years trying to find her after becoming lost at sea.

  “And will Odysseus be dancing with his wife, this evening?” She hoped, if it was truly Edward, that he would reveal his identity somehow.

  “It would be scandalous if he did not dance at least once with his beautiful spouse. Come.” The man held out his hand and Adeline looked at it in surprise. She had hoped to use the man’s hands to determine if it were Edward or not, but he was wearing black leather gloves. There was nothing she could do but dance with him. He put one paw at her waist and took her other hand in his, while she put her hand on his waist, reveling in the slight indecency of touching an unknown man in public.

  As they moved around the floor in a gentle waltz, Adeline cast her eye around the huge ballroom in the hope of spotting any obvious signs of Edward. She felt slightly guilty that she didn’t know him immediately, and was worried about dancing with this stranger, since there was a good chance that he wasn’t her man. She dreaded to think that this might be Randall, Lydia’s beau, and that he might have mistaken her for Lydia.

  “Penelope? You’re not being very attentive to your husband.” When Odysseus chided her, she thought that she heard the faintest trace of a Scottish accent beneath his upper-class pronunciation, but his voice was so muffled that she might easily have imagined it.

  For her part, Adeline realized that the only polite course of action was to concede. They went around the room three more times, then Adeline paused.

  “I’m afraid I tire. Might I get a refresher before we recommence?” she asked.

  The bear mask nodded and he released her.

  “Can you drink with that rigmarole on your head?” she asked.

  He shook his head.

  “In which case, I shall simply have to drink for both of us.”

  To her surprise, he leaned forward and murmured, “Don’t drink too much, young lady.”

  The tone sent chills through her, and she was almost certain it was Edward, for she imagined him giving her a stern warning look underneath the bear mask, and the slightly Scottish vowels were clearer this time. To test her theory, she took another champagne glass from a passing footman and tipped it up, drinking the contents in two gulps, then placed the empty glass back on the tray.

  The man in the mask pulled her into a dark alcove, where he drew her close to him then clapped one hand to her bottom. In the leather glove, his palm was smooth and firm as it pressed against her satin gown, and she gasped in amazement of the scandalous act.

  “Never forget, young lady, that the tawse awaits your naughty bottom upstairs,” he murmured, and then she knew for absolute certain that he was Edward.

  Her heart rushed with warmth. “Oh, rules be hanged!” she declared, and in a swift movement she pushed his mask up then kissed him passionately, pressing her body against his so she felt when his hardness began to rise in his trousers. She was suddenly afraid that she’d gone too far beyond the realms of public restraint, so she pulled away, turned, and fled.

  As she tried to make a getaway, she tripped over the hem of her pale blue satin dress, and while she was trying not to fall flat on her face, one of her shoes fell off. She continued running, now afraid of becoming a public laughing stock for staggering around the ballroom, and went upstairs to her room.

  Once she was alone, she slid the mask off her face. The skirt unhooked easily and tumbled to the floor. Adeline realized she had torn her petticoat as she tripped. She looked in the full-length mirror and felt a pang of sadness, as she saw Cinderella staring back at her, in one shoe and a ragged skirt. No matter how she twisted, she couldn’t reach the hook and eye fastenings at the back of her bodice, and she crumpled onto the bed in a heap.

  Why had she run away when she found out the man she’d danced with was truly Edward? After all the weeks of silently wishing he would forgive her reaction to the idea of being married, she was disappointed with herself because she knew that, more than anything in the world, she wanted him to propose to her so that she could graciously accept. There were so many things she wanted to say to him, so many times she had thought of something or other that he would have found interesting or funny, and now she was afraid that he might send her away again at the end of the weekend.

  There was a knock at the door.

  “Adeline?” Through the door, the voice sounded muffled. She guessed it was her brother or her father trying to find out why she had left in such an undignified manner. She didn’t allow herself to hope that it might be Edward because the disappointment would be too bitter if she expected him and he never came.

  “Nothing doing!” she replied churlishly.

  “I have asked every girl in the land, but none of their feet will fit this slipper.”

  Surprised, Adeline opened the door a crack, then her heart leapt. Edward stood, the bear mask in one hand and a cushion balanced on the other. Atop the cushion, her lost shoe awaited her foot. She opened the door wider to let him in.

  “You appear to be taking the Cinderella lark a little too seriously,” he told her, as he eyed her torn petticoat. Once again, he really wasn’t seeing her at her best. She felt so woefully inadequate that she didn’t see why he’d even bothered to chase after her this evening.

  “You should be glad I haven’t turned into a pumpkin yet,” Adeline replied. She sat down on the bed and extended one of her feet. Edward dropped the bear mask to the floor then got down on one knee before her.

  He placed the shoe on her foot.

  “The slipper fits!” he declared. “That means you have to be my bride.”

  “If you wish to marry a pumpkin, that’s your lookout,” Adeline replied.

  “Adeline Hawthorne,” he began. “Will you do me the immense honor of agreeing to become my wife?”

  Adeline looked at him, in his delightful suit with a rose in the button, as he waited on one knee for her answer. His fresh aftershave scent evoked delicious memories, of days spent playing the piano with him, reading side by side, or bent over his desk awaiting his hand on her bottom. She wanted to be his, forever.

  When she opened her mouth, the part of her that felt inadequate tried to tell Edward that she couldn’t marry him, but the rest of her shoved that thought aside in time and the right words came out of her mouth. This was their second chance at happiness, and she was determined not to ruin it this time, for either of them.

  “Yes, I will marry you, Edward. On one condition.”

  “What’s that?”

  “Keep me on the straight and narrow. It was going to be one of the seven labors of Hercules, but he said it was too hard, so he held the sky up for a while, instead.”

  He spoke in a husky voice. “Young lady, I’ll keep you so straight and narrow that you’ll think your innocence has returned every time we are intimate. I promise.” A thrill shot through her womb when he said the naughty words. In a quick movement, he locked the bedroom door, then he lifted her onto the bed and folded back her petticoat with an intense purpose.

  Adeline wasn’t interested in waiting until the formalities had been settled. She knew, now, that Edward would be with her, come what may, and she wanted him to take her like she had never wanted anything in her life. He began inside her right knee, and gently, tantalizingly, kissed all the way up her thigh until he reached her knickers. He slid a finger under the waistband of her underwear and gently drew it down her legs, before discarding it on the floor. He put a hand against her sex and it filled her with an amazing glow.

  She tried to remain quiet, in case anyone walked past outside, as Edward’s finger swirled around her
labia. The intense sensations from his touch in her most intimate of places made her breath hitch in her throat, then, as he continued to gently stroke her sex, she rolled her hips. His finger got more insistent, sending sparks through her body, and she bit down on her lower lip in an attempt to stay silent.

  In the night sometimes, her sex awakened her, desiring the touch of an experienced man. When that happened lately, she cast her mind back to the day when Edward had made her climax out in the open on Calton Hill. The memory had faded a little over time, but now her body remembered again how good it had been, when he had taught her all about her own sexuality through a skillful practical demonstration.

  “Good girl.” His voice was filled with approval. Adeline wasn’t sure what she’d done that merited it, but his words made her heart happy.

  She was reminded once more of how easily he mastered her body. He took his time, controlling her pleasure with a single finger, gently applied to her labia. His steady hand elicited a glowing tingle from her core, and there was an ache between her legs like nothing she’d ever experienced. From her opening, she felt liquid trickle. She yearned to feel him inside her.

  When she could stand it no more, she moaned very softly and reached out to unfasten his pants, where she saw his hardness straining against the fabric. The final button pinged and flirted across the room as it burst, and then she was confronted with his underpants, being pushed through his fly by his erection. He looked down at her in some amusement.

  “You’ve gotten ahead of yourself, young lady,” he said with an amused grin. He withdrew his hand from her pussy. “First, the jacket comes off.” He shrugged his jacket off and hung it over the back of a chair. “Then, the braces need to be unclipped.” He flicked the metal clasps that held his trousers up. “Next, the shoes are discarded.” He kicked his shoes off his feet. “Then the trews can come down and my boxers can be eliminated, and voila!” His manhood sprang free and she stared at it in surprise.

  “I’ve never… uh… I thought it would be smaller,” she told him. She was quite certain it was far too big to go inside her opening.

  He cocked his head and raised an eyebrow. “I sincerely hope you’re not having second thoughts,” he replied. “Because if you were, then I shan’t try again until our wedding night.”

  “I’m a little scared,” she admitted, eyeing his enormous shaft. She reached out and put both her fists around it, and more still emerged over the top of her hands. The tip was pink as it throbbed slightly. It was wide, too, and her hands barely closed around it. She wanted the warm hardness inside her, and the idea of his flesh touching her from within was so tantalizing that she felt a spasm of lightning running from her clit to her womb.

  “There’s nothing to be scared of,” he said. “I’ll go slowly, so you don’t have to worry about a thing. I would never push you into doing something you didn’t want to do, so tell me to stop any time.”

  Acting on impulse, she opened her mouth and put her tongue out, then licked the tip. It was surprisingly smooth and silky against her tongue. He stroked her head appreciatively, and she swirled her tongue in a circle around the opening of his cock. The naughty act made her sex swell with need.

  “Will it really go inside me?” she asked. “All of it?”

  “Yes.” He spanked her clit lightly and she bucked her hips in response. “But not yet.”

  Despite her anxieties, Adeline’s curiosity was insatiable, and she felt another spasm deep within her at the thought of him being inside her, filling her, as their bodies combined.

  “Have you done this before?” she asked.

  He paused for a moment, then spanked her clit again, harder this time. “A gentleman never talks of such things,” he told her firmly, then circled a finger around her opening. “You’re growing quite wet. What are you thinking about?”

  “You,” she replied; the finger was tantalizing and she ached for him to take her.

  “What do you want, Adeline?” he prompted.

  “You,” she repeated.

  He shook his head and the finger stopped teasing her pussy. Another light spank landed on her sex. “You’ll have to be more specific than that,” he replied.

  “I can’t, Edward, it’s not decent.” She could barely enunciate, because all her thoughts seemed to be centered around Edward and the radiant, tingling warmth that he was eliciting from her body.

  “That’s not the sort of thing which would usually stop you from doing something. Answer my question.”

  “I don’t think I have the right words!”

  For a moment, she thought he was going to let her off.

  “You ought to by now, darling. Try. I can’t give you what you want if you don’t tell me.” He had taught her everything she needed, that afternoon on the hill, and now she had no choice but to use the words she’d learned. It was so embarrassing to say them, though.

  She sighed and wondered how to tell him what she needed.

  “I want your… uh… this,” she stroked his member gently, “inside my… uh… here.” She pointed at her entrance. Even thinking about it was making her tingle with arousal and blush with embarrassment at the same time.

  “You want my cock inside your pussy?” Edward prompted.

  “Yes, please,” she replied, not looking at him.

  “Good girl.” He spanked her clit again, harder, and she squeaked as the impact sent little thrills through her body. Another spank and she wanted to rub herself against anything at all to get some relief. It felt so good; if this was what married people looked forward to, she didn’t know why any of them ever left their houses.

  Edward then slid a finger a little way into her pussy, and the stretching sensation was unlike anything she’d ever experienced. She scrunched up her toes in her stockings, as she reveled in the glowing feeling he was eliciting from her channel.

  “Is it allowed to feel this good?” she asked wryly.

  “Most certainly not!” Edward replied with a wink. “You’re not supposed to enjoy sex, it ought be a chore! Perhaps I should spank you for being so wanton!”

  She giggled, then moaned as he gently circled his finger inside her.

  “I think you’re ready for my length, young lady,” he told her, and a thrill coursed through her body at his words.

  He got onto the bed above her, and kissed her deeply. “Don’t be afraid, my dear,” he reassured her. “Soon you’ll find out what it feels like to have a man inside you, then you’ll know there was nothing to worry about.”

  He kissed her again, then pushed into her, and she squeaked at the size of him. He stretched her with his expanse, and he seemed to meet some resistance. One of his fingers swirled around her clit and gently caressed it, and she found herself accommodating him. Then, there was a sharp pinch as something inside her seemed to break, but before she cried out, he had pushed in further than ever.

  “Good girl, you’re doing fine,” he told her, and she nodded, biting her lower lip as he massaged her labia and held himself within her tight sheath until she got used to him being there.

  “It’s so large!” she breathed, finding his steely blue eyes with her own.

  “If it was small, it wouldn’t feel so good when I moved inside you,” he told her.

  She didn’t believe him, though. The idea that something so large could possibly move inside somewhere so small was preposterous. She was about to say as much, but he chose that moment to pull back out of her until his tip tantalized her opening, while she cried out for him silently, then he pushed deeply into her again.

  His cock seemed to press against the walls of her tunnel in a way that made her feel incredible. While he gently made love to her, sparks of crackling fire seemed to set her whole body ablaze, making her moan involuntarily.

  Edward brushed a stray hair away from her face and gazed into her eyes. His cock filled her lower parts with tingles, and he kissed her with such a passion that her heart overshadowed her womb, as the full force of her love for him penet
rated her chest. She felt the depth of his love, too, as he kissed her and thrust his hard shaft into her. He might be stern and domineering when it came to his high standards of discipline, but underneath all that, there was a man who loved her deeply and would do his utmost to make her happy, only ever acting in her best interests.

  She sighed as she melted under his attentions, and as he kept filling her, an intense feeling built up in her core. She’d never had sex before, but doing this with Edward was like coming home. There was a comfortable familiarity that guided her through the sensual uncertainty of all the new parts of this experience, and she was glad she hadn’t given herself to anyone else in the meantime. No other man would do.

  He thrust into her a little faster, making the sparks inside her combine and grow stronger. It seemed like an invisible bubble grew in her belly, as he continued to push into her hot channel with his girthy cock. His hard member pressed against the walls of her tunnel and lit up all the nerves in her womb, sending powerful tingles through every inch of her soul as the invisible bubble burst.

  She unraveled as she climaxed, and she was unable to prevent herself from crying out in pleasure as he continued to stroke into her, touching some special part of her core with his shaft as warmth coursed through her body and she stretched her legs. She wrapped them around him and pulled him more deeply into her, while searing bursts of tingles tore through her entire body. As the feeling subsided, her legs flopped sideways and she giggled.

  Edward then took her harder, faster, until he found his own release, and she felt him shooting his seed deep into her sheath, filling her with new sparks.

  Afterwards, they lay on the bed for a long time, just holding one another and gazing into each other’s eyes.

  “Do you think we shall be missed?” Adeline asked, as she heard the clock striking eleven.

  “There are at least a hundred people downstairs. Nobody will wonder about where we are,” Edward reassured her. “Do you want to return to the party?”

  Adeline shook her head firmly. “I want this moment to last forever,” she replied.